Okay, I want to comment on something. I've notice when people say they voted for Bush because he was "anti-abortion" or "pro-life" some people come around and go "What has he done?"
Firstly, the President does not have the type of power people credit him with on the issue of abortion. The most he can do is approve of bills and laws brought to him by Congress. If Congress doesn't bring him anything, he can't very well do much. (Consider: he couldn't even go to war without approval from Congress!)
Secondly, abortion (as we know it) came about by judges overstepping their judicial powers (a popular trend, I've noticed). As it is now, anything the President or Congress does that reflects negatively on abortion could very easily be over-turned by the court. So unless judges who oppose abortion in general are nominated and get in, there's little hope of anything happening.
Thirdly, there is years of social brainwashing you're fighting against. Unless 90% of our society suddenly became completely pro-life tomorrow, there's no way a "no abortion" law would ever make it. Not gonna happen. The people and the Congress won't let it.
Sorry Pro-lifers, one President can't change the moral fabric of society.... that's a job for Christ! The best our President can do is enforce the idea of pro-life thinking, and that's about it.
Also, I voted for President Bush, and I think it's funny that most people water the issues down to abortion, "gay marriage", and the war on terror. While all these are very important, I didn't vote for Bush because of that.
To me character is more important than "the issues" or whatever. Even if someone says and believes all the right things, it's practically worthless if they aren't a man of character. So to me, it was his character that I liked.
I am also disappointed in the things I'm hearing from popular Democrates and liberals. The venom and hate that is spewing from their lips is astounishing. If conservatives and Republicans are so intolerant and horrible, why are liberals and Democrates acting just like them? If you think you're ideals are really better, you better act like it.
I am also hoping a powerful third party arises at some point. I would like a party that gives both Democrates and Republicans a run for their money. I feel that this two party system is bad for our country. We need fresh blood, we really do...
And.. uh... I think that's all. Kinda felt good. I don't write about politics much because most of my journals (aka, blogs) aren't meant for that. I don't like turning a personal journal (aka, blog) into a political freak show. Hehe. xD
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