Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Why do I even bother?!

Ack, why do I bother read Bunnie's Blog? I must be one of those people who like to feel pain in the form of frustration. xD She seemed to be doing alright, a little over critical here, and little judgemental and obnoxious over there... but nothing too bad. I thought, "Hey, maybe I could start commenting on her blog again!" Then she started talking about CCM again.

If she'd just shut her trap about that I think I could tolerate, no --get along with-- her. But no, no. She seems to enjoy calling things I enjoy crap. She won't even just admit that she's just "naturally biased" against all CCM, no matter how good or bad it is. She has to be right, everyone else is stupid. Yep, that's Bunnie for ya.

She's Lutheran right? Well, after reading her blog I have little respect for Lutherans. She acts as if anyone who's not Lutheran is obviously stupid. Her attitude can just be... well... she acts like a Liberal reporter/journalist! She's just as intolerant and snobbish as they are.

And you know, I wouldn't hold it against the Lutheran church if it were just her. (A bad egg here and there, it happens.) But the majority of the people who post on her blog (who are Lutherans) share the exact same of attitude she does!

I dearly hope there are some people with better attitudes than Bunnie in the Lutheran church. I really do. If any Lutherans are reading this, prove me wrong! Prove to me that you're not all arrogent and snobbish! I don't want to believe there's an entire denomination breeding people to be that way. I don't.

Lastly, I'm not saying I'm oh-so-much better than Bunnie. I can be prideful, I can be arrogent, I can be mean (but mostly I can be very lazy xD)... I can be those things. But I try not to be, I take pains to not come across that way, especially with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Ugh and.. I'd just like to see Bunnie attempt to be a little more humble when dealing with other people. She doesn't have to be like "Lets all just get along!" but she could at least come across less like "Liberal" than she does.

And there, I've ranted. I'm sure I sound mean and stuff, but dang it! I'm frustrated, even if it's my own fault.

My husband right. I'm stupid. I shouldn't go places I know will just frustrate me. xD

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