I have a dear friend who lives in Mississippi. I've known her since I was 15 years old. I do love her. But I'm glad she didn't register to vote!
I know I know, that's a horrible attitude to have. But I say this because the women doesn't think with her head at all. She recently told me she didn't like Bush. When I asked why, I only got a vague answer. Then I asked her what she thought of Kerry, she didn't know.
Chris (a guy she's had a huge "crush" on, but who doesn't seem to return the feelings) is getting stationed in Iraq soon. She's clearly very pessimistic about his chances of survival over there (with how the news is about Iraq it's no wonder..). She's afraid he'll die basically. She also seemed confused about why we were in Iraq to begin with.
Now, firstly, if you are friend, spouse, or b/g friend to anyone in the military you have to accept that they can die on duty. Part of their job is to fight--yes die--for their country. It's what they volunteered to do. If a person can not accept this, then they should not be in a relationship with anyone in the military.
My Dad's in the military, my husband is too. Most of the people I know are in the military. I don't like the thought of them dying that way. And even though it pains me right now just to even let it come to my mind, it's something I have to accept. And I do. I have to. It's the reality of the military.
Secondly, just because her crush is being stationed in a dangerous place, does not mean that him being there is wrong. And if you don't know WHY he's there, isn't it a really good time to find out? I mean, why wallow in ignorance? o_O
Can you imagine what she'd have been like during WW2? My gosh... scary! She'd have had Germany and Japan stomping all over us just for that one guy's life. ~_~;
It's even scarier knowing there are more people like her! People who base their opinions based solely on what affects them and how it makes them feel. People who don't bother to think through what's going on, but accept what they hear from the news. They don't think, they just follow some vaguely formed opinion that doesn't quite make any sense, but they never think about it enough to realize that.
And yes, my friend, though I love her, is like that. Though I don't hate her or even look down on her for it. She came from a bad family, a bad church, had a lot of bad friends, and wasn't really taught critical thinking. But I hope my family, my old church, can be there in a way to help fill the gaps the people in her life created.
But.. anyway... I'm glad she didn't vote. If she did, she'd probably vote for Kerry, knowing nothing about him, simply because "she doesn't like Bush". Dang it! I'd rather them not vote at all if they're going to vote like that. >_<
Though really, she does live in Mississippi. They tend to be very pro-Republican. I dunno.. would her vote actually make a difference there? o_O
I dunno... anyone. That's why I'm glad she's not registered. So sue me. ~_~;
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