Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Starting Fresh

Not that I have any followers here but...

I deleted a ton of posts. They were ranting posts mostly, written when I was feeling my most angry and rottenest. I think it's better if people don't see that side of me.

Also, I just don't get angry like that anymore. I guess God's dealt with that part of me for the most part. And I'm glad. I hate being angry like that... it's exhausting.

So... now I don't know what I'll be using this blog for, since I'd turned it into my Uber Anger Ranting place. Guess it'll be just another blog again... ah.... well. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we all need to rant, but letting anger fester and take up part of you is never a good thing. Letting God deal with you is a great thing. :) Love you, Nikki!!!