Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Something that bothers me about politics these days is the utterly lack of selflessness. Everyone, at least the more popular political groups, only care about their own hides and their own pocket boks and their own reputation.

I'm also very disappointed in the selfishness of the citizens of the United States. They don't care about what is good for everyone-- it's only about what is good for themselves, what they can immediately benifit from.

This makes for a bad bad place for us to be. We are a people who produce shady, self-serving politicians. We are the people who blissfully wollow in our ignorance enough to vote for them, and then vote for them again.

It really bothers me.

This is what I wish we could do. I wish we could take people from both sides of the political spectrum, and give them their own countries. I want to see just which system will work the best... in the long run. (Because it's the effects on later generations that will count the most.)

Is it the governments responsibility to feed the poor? Teach the children? Is it the people's responsibility to meat out justice? Can the people be righteous even with those they don't agree with?

Like on the Iron Chef, I want to know... Who's reasoning will reign supreme?! Let's have a contest and see who's ideas will come out on top.

Everyone's arguing and pulling each other down to the point where NOTHING is getting done. I want to have a final say on the practicallity of the things people are pushing for. I want things, good things, to get going! Because the way I see it, it's all a bunch negatives everywhere.

I wish I was really really REALLY rich. Because then I'd just buy a whole bunch of land and make a bunch of little "countries". Then I'd have the top thinkers in each political spectrum make a government for those little "coutries", and let people live there. I'd watch and see which ones made it.

Yeah. I'm done with my ranting now.

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