Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Different Take on Iraq

For a long time now our country has been meddling in other people's affairs [abroad]. It doesn't matter if it was Democrate of Republican, the American government likes to meddle abroad. (Perhaps they know things we don't...)

In Iraq, we technically should have been over there beating Saddam a long time ago. We promised things to a group of people over there (which, if I remember correctly, was to help oust Saddam), and we broke our promise, causing the deaths of thousands of innocent lives (not military ones!). There are huge graves over there because we thought it wasn't advantagous for us to stay over there and follow through.

Now, call me old fashion, but when you make a promise to someone, you better keep it! Especially when it's helping *oust* a dictator who likes murdering thousands of his own people, and financially helping murder thousands of other people (yes, Saddam does have terrorist ties.. no matter what some people are saying).

In my opinion, not one single military death (except for the ones caused by equipment malfunction) was pointless. Those men, even though they weren't around in the first Gulf War, were fulfilling a broken promise. I think that is most honorable!

This isn't to say that all US meddling has been justified. Some of it was down right stupid. But some of it, for better or worse, had justifiable causes. Some of it we know think is bad, is only so because of bad management skills.

But either way, people need to remember we aren't living in a Jefferson society (I think I got the right president). We don't keep to ourself. It not the nature of the beast. It's better to accept this and just work with it then going around ranting about something that's unlikely to change.

As for military deaths. Well, that's part of the job. You don't go into the military (especially the Army and Marines) and think you're gonna live a long and happy life! These guys aren't innocent, they are trained to kill. If they die in the line of duty, then they are dying doing their job. People who think otherwise are out of touch with the reality of military life.

And that's really all I can think of to say about that. :)

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