Mike linked my post below on some other website. Apparently in response to the vehement dislike many of the posters had with the type of birth controls I mentioned before. He wanted to give them a differing opinion from a supposedly well educated and trusted source (that being me).
I'm pleased he thinks so highly of me. I'm just hoping it's justified.
It's not that I think I'm stupid, I'm just kind of nervous about people giving my post a critical eye. It was written primarily for the benefit of my husband and I, and perhaps an interesting opinion for people who are looking into the subject. It's not meant to be some exhaustive defense for or against birth control.
I really try to think through any subject I write about. It's very important to me that I don't write about things that I haven't thoroughly researched. And I try to draw from the most reliable and honest sources, not just the ones that will tell me what I want to hear (or what is popular).
It's difficult to find good sources online. I'm constantly amazed at the shoddy logic and under handed methods used by many writers. Take a quote out of context here, smooth over the part of the research we didn't like there, and generally just ignore anything that disagrees. Any one can lie about their information and you'd never know.
In the Christian realm this is particularly disturbing. Not just because it's dishonest, but because Christians will inevitably use the "God trump card". It comes in various flavors but generally sounds like "the Bible says so", "God says so", and "good Christians who want to make God happy do/believe this way". You can't argue with people who think God is on their side.
Whether this is true or not has very little to do with it. It's simply a method of forcing opponents to look like they are against God and "for the world" (at least on the surface level). Many people fall for it, because they have not been taught to look past the "holy rhetoric" and listen to what's actually being said.
Not that Christians have some sort of monopoly on this behavior. I don't mean to imply that they do. It's just disturbing to see it in people who ought to know better. It's also depressing how many spiritually gullible people are out there.
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