So today H, a realtor who works in the same building as my Boss, made the mistake of recording some videos in MP4. She thought she could basically copy/paste into a DVD and watch it on her dvd. MP4 doesn't work with DVD players, just computers (and generally with Quicktime). So then she tried to figure out how to convert, except none of the stuff she had worked.
Then my Boss must have walked by or she must have asked him for help. So guess what he decides? To ask me if I know what to do. So I'm like "I'll try."
And I do. I try some random program I found through google. It converts the MP4 into VOB, which is what I wanted, but than flat out would not burn to DVD. So from there I went to Windows Movie Maker, which let me make a title screen, and it actually burned. So I'm pretty sure it works now (though I couldn't test it, as there are no DVD players at my work).
I hope it worked. If it did I might have to show H how I did it. However, I wonder if I ought to find some other--much simplier--way for her to do this.... hm....
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