Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Gettin' Closer

We went to our appointment with Lydia DeLeon-Rush today. I don't know who the "Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corporation" is, but Mrs. Lydia freakin' rocks! She has been so SO helpful with helping us know what to expect when buying a house and connecting us with trustworthy people.

Our credit is good. (Yay!) We should be fine with getting a VA loan. (Also Yay!)

There's a couple of houses we've really liked so far. All of them have a pool. (Which Mike likes for exercise, but I like because Liz's kids can visit us and play in our pool. Maybe Josh'll get over his fear of pools! ^^; )

Our Household goods should get picked up at the end of this month. Terrifying I tell you, terrifying. I hate this part of the move. Trying to decide what goes now and what goes then. Trying to find a place in our bitty house to store the stuff we want to KEEP. *sighs*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! It's getting closer! Hang in there girlie. Rely on the Lord!