Tuesday, April 26, 2005

To be geeky or not to be...

I am very much looking forward to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie and Star Wars Ep 3. I feel that Episode 3 may finally have redeeming values that 1 and 2 utterly lacked. Also, HGG should be fun because I'm not really sure what to expect. I heard that Douglas Adams specifically changed things in the screen play (before he died) from the book.

I also feel the need to point out to someone that the Star Wars cartoons were actually REALLY GOOD. In fact, they were better than episodes 1 and 2... Heck, I would say they were as good as the original movies.

Don't diss 'em just 'cause they're animated! I hate when people do that. It shows they're utterly pig-headed and stuck in a Disney mentality. Animated does not equal children's stories! GET THAT THOUGHT OUT OF YOUR HEAD! >_<

Anyway, I might actually get to see Star Wars 3 with my family! That'd be pretty awesome. :D

I know this is geeky and all, I'm sorry. I have 4 other blogs/journals I have to keep track of and this one falls behind sometimes. :(


The Patriot said...

hey thanks for your comment on my dance pic a while ago; I love dance!

jacob.thrasher said...

I can't wait to see HGG either... I'm gonna try to get my friends together to go see it soon.

As for the cartoons, I don't dislike them simply because they were animated, but the animation style seemed to detract from the story (for me, anyway). The whole time I'm watching it, I'm thinking something along the lines of a high-powered Spongebob. The way the characters were drawn gave the appearance that someone was simply trying to create a spoof of Star Wars using caricatures of the main characters. Animated movies can be great, but I would have appreciated a different style for the Star Wars cartoons...

