Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Been a while, ain't it?

I haven't been updating lately. Sorry for that, I just haven't had a lot of interesting things to say.

Over two weeks, I've gotten a trojan, a virus, and a worm. You would not believe how incredibly aggrivating that is! The first two were my own fault, because I changed a security setting in Firefox that left it vulnerable. However, that last one was no one's fault (except losely my husband's). Now my husband can't access any of his email. >_<

Uck, it is soooo aggrivating! Can't Microsoft do something about that? I mean, their whole business is making OS's, you think at some point they'd get it right. ~_~;

Ona lighter note.. Molly, the dog I've been babysitting for three months, was taken to her owner yesterday. He (the owner) arrived 7 hours early, and totally caught me off guard (I was sleeping). The only bummer is he hasn't taken all of Molly's stuff back and he still owes me a new CD-RW (yeah, his dog broke my cd writer... amazing, isn't it?).

Mike has been sick since last Friday. Monday he was ordered home from work because he started throwing up. Ever since then, that's pretty much what he's been doing since then.

In the military, when you get sick, you have to go to a doctor and get a check up. This prevents people from "faking" sickness. The only problem is that "going to the doctor" requires you make an appointment early, especially if you need to go to the doctor that day.

Normally this isn't too hard. You simply call the Tricare "hotline" and ask for an appointment. Well, today Tricare was avoiding me! From 7:05am (when they open) to 10am, I could not get a hold of ANYONE. And by the time I *might* have gotten someone, it would have been too late. (You have to call early to get appointments the day you call. If you wait to call later in the day, they won't have any room for you until tomorrow.)

Needless to say I'm highly annoyed. I don't want Mike getting in trouble because *I* couldn't get a hold of someone at Tricare. I tried 5 times to get an appointment! Nothing. And since he was sick, there was nothing he could do anyway! It's not like he was able to clal. *sighs* One more reason why socialized medicare is a horrible idea.... ~_~;

Anywho! That's all for now! Gotta see if I can get a hold of Dan (Molly's owner) so he can pick up the rest of her stuff (and get me a new CD-RW!!!!!!).

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