Tuesday, August 10, 2004

CCM Top Hits

I am somewhat puzzled about "top of the charts" that Bunnie frequently talks about. Now, I've listened to the Top 20 here in South Dakato, and many times the #1 is not the same as what I hear from Bunnie.

I can only assume a few things from this:

1: They're two different CCM networks.

2: Bunnie listens to the Top 20 when I don't, and consistently happens upon some of the worst Top 5 songs.

3: The Christians in her area have no taste in even passable music.

The last time I listen to the top 20, #2 hit was the only one that sounded "vague". All the others were very very obviously speaking of Christ or God or the sinfulness of man or a combination.

Also, while we can sin, music can't. All it can do is reflect the musicians heart. So then, when you listen to music and judge it, you judge the musicians heart. And when you do that, you must consider, are you judging to improve and help that heart, or are you just doing it out of spite and dislike? Which is truly glorifying to God?

There, I think I've done my bit of rant. (And you should be glad that I edited out so much. Because I was sorely tempted to be a little nasty. But that would make me like too many people I see online anyway... :P)

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