Thursday, July 15, 2004

Wow, did.. um. Did Blogger just change how I post things? *blinks* Hu. Looks prettier now.


I know this isn't really a place for showing my art. But I really liked how this drawing turned out. Go HERE and check it out. :D


jacob.thrasher said...

Yeah, it changed some stuff all right, and now I can't add links or preview my posts. (sigh)

jacob.thrasher said...

Nice drawing too! I couldn't even THINK about drawing something like that. I like it!

D2M said...

Really? The "add links" button is still there, just looks different. Or maybe it won't load correctly, because it didn't for me the first time. If it doesn't have any font, etc, options at all, than try to reload your browser. :)

Thanks for the compliment! :D

jacob.thrasher said...

Okay, everything's better now. For some reason, I didn't have any of those options above the text box for a while. It was just the text box and the stuff below it.

My publishing has been fixed! I'm all happy inside!