Monday, July 26, 2004

Negativity in vogue

Something that has always puzzled me was people's inclination to be absolutely negative. While there is good reason to be negative (since the world is a very depressing place), there are some things worthy of praise. It seems to me that, when so many things are so bleak, that we'd want to focus on those things which aren't.

So how is it that some people not only refuse to acknowledge the goodness that is there, but also seek to destroy the joy other people find [in good things]? It's as if the very thought of goodness make their toes curl up.

I have alwasy suspected, and now feel it being confirmed, that people love to hate. I don't understand why, but they get malicious pleasure out of hating something or someone. It can be our president, a rich man, that nation wide chain-store, or even the guy next door with that sweeeet ride. It's as if people cannot tolerate other's happiness, others success, if it's not their own.

People focus on "hating" on homosexuals, minorities, or whatever, but I think that's more of a surface problem. For even those who advocate not hating other end up hating themselves. Because, as mentioned before, we love to hate.

I often feel that we are immitators of Lucifer, who committed the first sin (that we know of). Lucifer, to my knowledge, hates all that is good. He hates it most in people (Job is a good example of this). The reason for this is that goodness comes from God, and is pleasing to God. And God is the #1 enemy of Lucifer.

So we hate, I suppose because sin is a rejection of God. And if this is the case, than we are doing an aweful lot of rejecting.

Which isn't to say that we should never ever hate, because hatred can be a product of repulsion of something bad. It can be a product of disgust and contempt for something evil. But when we hate that which is good, than we're going about it all backward.

It's just very aggrivating. Can't people be happy without hating? >_<

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