Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I know, I know, lots of quotes...

Found this on WORLD blog. Thought it was pretty cool.

"Unfortunately Republicans are reluctant to define what liberal means philosophically. Modern liberals are not really liberal in the classical sense, like Jefferson who held truth and individual freedom (and its corresponding responsibility) in the highest regard. Modern liberals say these things, but do the opposite. They say they support free speech, but fight incessantly to restrict any speech that is either religious or political, the two forms protected by the 1st amendment. They say they oppose racism, but instead institutionalize racism (c.f. affirmative action), treating people differently based on the color of their skin. They say they support the little guy, but vote instead to allow the murder of the littlest of all, their own children. They say they support America, but then give speeches that sound remarkably similar to America's worst enemies. They say they support diversity, but oppose any ideas contrary to their own. They claim to be environmental, but leave man out. We're part of nature too."
Rick Flanders

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