Saturday, July 31, 2004


I have never understood modern feminism. Women in the USA can now vote, get good jobs, and be treated fairly in court. If we are treated as human beings now on a basic level, then that's what matters. I do not understand what feminist fight for now, other than trying to stomp out being feminine completely. (Doesn't that kinda contradict what they call themselves? o_O)

Anyway, there are places in the world with women who are being treated horrible. They can't get good jobs, they are rejected by there family over things they can't control, and in some places they even circumcise women! *shivers*

Why aren't femaninst over in those places making a difference that will actually save lives? Or is it only the women in "modern" countries that should be worried about?

I dunno, I think it's rather disgusting and hypocritical and just heartless. I live in the lap of luxery, I don't NEED any more rights or whatever. But there are women out there who do.

Shame shame on modern femanists.

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