For those of you who read WORLD Blog, and it's subblogs, you are probably aware of "Bunnie Diehl". If you aren't, you can find her HERE.
Anyway, she's got a reputation (with me anyway) about dislike--I'd say hating-- Contemporary Christian Music. I don't really mind that she dislikes it. There are lots of people who do, and there's nothing wrong with that. Musical preferences have been around for ages you know. :)
Her attitude, however, towards CCM is just.. well, to be cliche, un-Christlike. It's mean, derogatory, arrogant, and argumentative. It's never meant to uplift other Christians, to guide people closer to God, or to correct a sinful behavior.
CCM can be vague, backward, and poorly written/sung. However, it can also be the complete opposite. It just depends on where you look, and looking on the top ten charts are obviously not the best place.
I would listen to Bunnie a lot more if she could get over her attitude. Perhaps even just let go of the CCM "debate". It hasn't done anything but tear people apart.
As Christians, we should be able to forgive and let go. Not everything is about being "right". Somethings are about doing what's best for other people (this is called "love").
Maybe Bunnie will figure out that arguing about things isn't always the best way to show Christlike love.
You're right, Draw2much. Bunnie does have a bad attitude. I'm all for people expressing their opinions, but Bunnie is often just rude. She tries to look at CCM and judge it, but she won't look at it with her eyes open.
You're also right that CCM can be vague, backward, and poorly written/sung, but can't any music? I don't understand why Bunnie wants to argue about CCM with her closed mind. If she makes it so easy for people to disagree with her, she shouldn't mind when people do.
Good post, D2M.
Gonna get toasted for saying so... but you're dead on target. I've said my piece on her site thought.
(i don't have a blogger account, and it drives me nuts when people won't let me post without one! props to you)
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