Monday, May 31, 2004


Abortion is a fickle thing. I really think that abortion is wrong, and that there isn't any valid reason for it. People like to mention the mother health during birth, but that's so rare (especially in our society) it's almost laughable.

However, because of how people have been brainwashed, it would do us better to try and get "common sense" restrictions put on abortion. These restrictions are really for the mothers own good and to allow her to understand the different options she has. This is called "choice", which I've noticed isn't seen much in "pro-choice" movements. :-/

I've concluded that many of these "pro-choice" movements are really just "pro-death" movements. They really care nothing about the women involved, because if they did, they would be more than willing to restrict abortion in places when it's not nessicary and encourage adoption as a "first option".

But they don't care at all about women. And every time I hear them talk, I see it more and more.

I wish our government would encourage adoption. Making it easier for people who want to to be able to. I know there's a chance of abuse, but I don't want that fear to become the reason kids get stuck in foster homes (which are faaar worse).

That's all. :)

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