I was reading this post today, and the response. You will notice, rather quickly, that three people seem intent on disagreeing. That would be Adam Beckham, Luke, and the new player Remington.
I would like to dedicate this post to them. If they ever read this (which is doubtful!) I want to ask them not to comment on my journal. They "troll" WORLDblog enough as it is... LOL!
Of the three, Adam is probably the most lovable. This is mostly because he only disagrees 99% of the time, and usually is very good at explaining himself. Sometimes he even makes sense. (He is, in fact, appreciated in an odd sort of way by the commentors, since he always brings more info about a post.)
Luke doesn't post as much as Adam. If he does post, it's normally just to agree with Adam and then take a pot-shot at whoever looks the most vulnerable. I'm glad Luke doesn't post much, because he's really very annoying. Unlike Adam, he rarely brings anything to the discussion, and instead seems content on saying how horrid and stupid everyone is who disagrees with him.
Remington is new. At first I thought he might be nice, even amiable. But my hopes were soon proven false. He's just as hateful as the most hateful conservative claims-to-be-Christian person could be. It's astonishing his conscience even lets him "open his mouth" with how blatantly hypocritical he is.
Oh yes, I almost forgot Fred. (Gravin I think..) The best way to describe Fred is "funny". Funny in that weird ironic sort of way. Fred accuses anything and anyone of being racists. If you have the name "white" in your name, look out! You're racist! (LOL!)
I often feel that Fred HAS to be someone's idea of a joke. Is it possible for a person to really believe that "white people" are basically all racists, no matter what they do? Because that seems to be essentially what Fred believes. o_O;
I am constantly fasinated with Adam, Luke, and Rem. How is it that three people can hold such a similiar view, post only on particular topics (such as the war or homosexuality), and seem to hate everything related to Christianity? I sometimes wonder if they aren't the same person!
Of course Fred is just weird. I really do believe he's someone's attempt to mock everyone on WORLDblog. For instance..
"All white people are racists and are out to put the "black man down"."
..could be...
"All liberals are anti-religious and out to put the "Christian man down"."
His deep apparent hatred for homosexuals could also be someones attempt to mock Christian's apparent "hatred" of homosexuals.
Now that I think about it, I think I might be right. How else could one explain such astonishing extreme-ism?
Anyway... that's all I can think of to say at the moment. It's late and my mind is starting to lose focus.
"Christians hating"
...now correct me if i'm wrong here but that seems to be somewhat of an oxymoron.
Anyhow, life goes on. I've taken the liberty of commenting on your journal, because.. well, because i can, and what better reason.
It depends. What is the Christian hating? Is he hating that which is good and acceptable to God? Or is he hating that which is sinful and disgusting to God? Depending on what he hates depends on how much of an oxymoron he is.
We have this stigma in our society that hating ANYTHING is bad. But that's not true! You just have to hate the right things, and that's where there's conflict of ideals comes from.
But I shan't go on any further. Because... well, because it's 7am in the morning. Who has time to get into deep thoughts this early? :P
It was a little scary when Fred and I started going back and forth about homosexuality. I would be certain that someone was making him up except that a conservative wouldn't make up someone so incredibly hateful of homosexuals and a liberal wouldn't make up someone who was so paranoid about race that it was laughable.
What annoyed me a lot when I was a denizen on worldmagblog was how often the conservatives and the Christians gave Adam, Luke, and B fuel for their fire and justification for their hatred. WORLD itself is trying as hard as it can now to distance itself from that, but some of the Christians on there and their appalling rhetoric...
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